Welcome to the exciting world of Telco Academy!

Are you inspired by the boundless possibilities that cloud computing offers to transform industries and revolutionize the way we work? If so, you're in the right place, because our Telco Cloud Academy is made for you.

What can you expect from our Telco Cloud Academy?

  • Experiential Learning: Through hands-on exercises and real-world projects, you will develop a profound understanding of how cloud technologies work. You'll immerse yourself in situations that mirror real-world challenges, allowing you to learn by doing.

  • Industry collaborators: Our employees are experienced cloud professionals eager to share their knowledge with you. They will guide you as you explore advanced concepts and provide valuable insights into current and future trends in cloud technology.

  • Collaboration and Networking: You'll be part of an active and passionate learning community that shares your interests. Through project collaborations and group discussions, you'll build lasting connections in the tech industry.

  • Skills: The skills you gain in this bootcamp will not only apply to cloud technology but will also develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability skills that are highly valued in any work environment.

Don't miss the opportunity to become a cloud expert and shape the digital future

Register sending us your CV to talentacquisition@hpecds.com

  • Virtualization and Containerization

  • Java

  • Python

  • Databases

  • Unix and Scripting

  • Automation with Ansible

  • CI/CD

  • Softskills dynamics

What we will see?

Another one of the training programs we will be offering soon is our Testing Automation Workshop, an intensive program in collaboration with the University of León. In this edition, we will cover everything from the most basic concepts of Testing and Automation to more sophisticated techniques, including:





  • And much more!

Our employees will guide you through theoretical classes, practical exercises, and challenging projects to apply your knowledge. It's perfect for students interested in acquiring skills in a promising technological field.

Stand out in your career and enroll now.

*The IA Workshop and Testing Automation Workshop editions are held in collaboration with the University of Leon.





CDS Spain | HPE.com

An initiative by CDS, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company - © CDS Spain 2023 - All Rights Reserved.

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